Poggi e associati

Cookie Policy

This cookie policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your browsing experience on our website (www.poggieassociati.it).

1. Data Controller

The Data Controller is Poggi & Associati (the “Data Controller”), with registered office in Via Farini 11, Bologna – 40124, tel. (+39) 051 231800, e-mail: info@poggieassociati.it

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files used to compile statistics concerning the use of the Site, to understand navigation experiences and the visitors’ possible requirements. Data collected through cookies are used to improve the navigation experience and the Site performance in the future.

3. Types of cookies

a) Technical cookies

We manage and use the following types of cookies in accordance with this cookie policy.

Session cookies: These are necessary for a website to work properly and are erased when you close your browser.

Persistent cookies: These allow websites to collect and analyse your data anonymously to enhance your visit, e.g., your language selection may be recorded and set automatically for future visits.

These cookies are not deleted when you close your browser; they are saved on your device for two years or, if sooner, until you delete them.

Please consider that deactivation of these cookies may hamper your use of our site.

Both session cookies and persistent cookies are first party cookies managed directly by Poggi & Associati.

b) Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies allow us to track the number of visitors to our website anonymously to monitor and enhance the browsing experience.

Our site uses “Google Analytics”, a third-party cookie managed by Google Inc. For more information on how Google manages this cookie, please consult the group’s Privacy Policy.

You can deactivate this cookie by clicking here; rest assured that deactivation will in no way hamper your use of our site.

4. Cookie management

You can choose whether to accept or block cookies through your browser settings.

All major browsers allow users to choose their cookie settings. Below are links to instructions for managing and deleting the cookies from some:

Internet Explorer™





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